BRIDGE Global Health Institute
The University of Birmingham and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign share several areas of common strength in health-related research that would benefit from close collaboration and could be developed along a direction focused on the Global South.
Aims & Objectives
- To establish the BRIDGE Global Health Institute as a platform for developing joint research activity with partners in the Global South for the health benefit of the most deprived communities.
- To stimulate four viable strands of research reflecting topics of mutual interest with co-leads from each university.
- To develop joint activities through specific Global south initiatives, starting in Brazil.
- To provide opportunities for students and ECRs to gain experience and training in international cooperation and working with the global south.
- To stimulate “south-to-south” development and learning.
- To enhance reputation and stimulate ideas by creating a recurrent international conference series run jointly by Birmingham, Illinois, and Brazilian partners ‘The BRIDGE Conference on Research and Education in the Global South’. The ambition is to work towards a scale of ~500-1000 participants, alternating the venue and interspersing with smaller workshops.
Key Themes
The principal topics agreed following discussions between stakeholders at both institutions are:
- Epidemiology/applied health with a focus on women and children’s health.
- Microbiology (including microbiome) and health.
- Diagnostics and community-based solutions
- Wider determinants of health inequalities in society.
Project Leads
The initiative would require theme leads and an academic steering group.
Program Leads
Theme 1: Women and Children’s Health
- Birmingham: John Allotey, Adam Devall
- Illinois: Jodi Flaws
Microbiology and Health
- Birmingham: Willem van Schaik
- Illinois: Becky Smith, Rachel Bolton, Carin Vanderpool – TBC
Community-based diagnostics
- Birmingham: Alex Richter, Chris Green
- Illinois: Brian Cunningham
Health Inequalities
- Birmingham: Rachel Jordan, Suzanne Higgs
- Illinois: Andi Schwingel, Pedro Hallal, Rafael Tassitano, Cecilia Tenorio, Emerson Sebastiao, Otavio Leao, Aline Lamas
Cross cutting themes UoB; UIUC TBC
- Birmingham: Krish Nirantharakumar/delegate TBC (digital health), Katie Morris (BCTU), Nick Loman & Josh Quick (genetic analysis)
Additional Collaborative Partners
- Data analytics: HDS (Birmingham), National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Illinois), HPCBioMayo Clinic (Illinois)
- Genetic analysis: Genomics Birmingham, Institute for Genomic Biology (Illinois), Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center (Illinois)
- Clinical trials: Clinical Trials Centres (Birmingham), ITM (Birmingham), BHIC (Birmingham), Carle Medical College (Illinois)
- Brazil-focused institutes: Brazil Institute (Birmingham), Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies (Illinois)
Year 1
- Establish partnerships.
- 2-3 small grant proposals developed; funder(s) identified & submitted.
- Inaugural workshop completed.
Year 2
- Develop partnerships further.
- 1 larger proposal submitted.
- 2nd workshop, include planning of Year 3 conference.
Year 3
- Expand network.
- International conference (funded through participants and sponsors).
- 1-2 larger proposals.